Computational Physics I - PHYS 3500K#
This book is constructed from the repository dedicated to Computational Physics I (PHYS 3500K) at Kennesaw State University.
Here, you will find examples and notes pertaining to the course, as well as additional material.
Note that the repository is meant to evolve during the semester. Solutions to the homework problems are given to the students taking the course, and they can be provided from the author upon request.
- 1. Making Computers Obey
- 2. Computer Number Representations
- 3. Randomness and Random Walks
- 4. Numerical Differentiation and Integration
- 5. Monte Carlo Methods
- 6. Matrix Computing, Trial-and-Error Searching and Data Fitting
- 7. Ordinary Differential Equations
- 8. An Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
- 9. Boundary Value and Eigenvalue Problems
- 10. Partial Differential Equations
- 11. More Monte Carlo: The Metropolis Algorithm
Computational Physics, Problem Solving with Python - Rubin H. Landau, Manuel J. Páez, Christian C. Bordeianu.
Computational Physics (Fortran Version) - Steve E. Koonin, Dawn C. Meredith.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Steven H. Strogatz.